Hello! In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of activating the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) feature. Unlock the power of OCR to effortlessly extract text from images and documents, making your workflow more efficient. Say goodbye to manual data entry and dive into the exciting world of OCR automation. To get more new videos subscribe to our channel 🙏 https://www.youtube.com/@CustomGPT

Let’s get started with unleashing the OCR capabilities in your workflow!

✅Guide to activate the OCR feature: 👉 https://docs.customgpt.ai/docs/how-to-activate-the-ocr-feature

✅Guide on How to Change The Citations Text: 👉https://docs.customgpt.ai/docs/how-to-change-the-citations-text

Learn how to activate the OCR feature in your custom GPT account with this easy-to-follow step-by-step guide. Activate OCR in your premium plan to unlock advanced functionality. Sign in, access project settings, upload your scanned documents or images, enable OCR, and submit your files.

With CustomGPT, you can easily train a chatbot to understand and respond to user queries, using the content from your podcast episodes. To get started, we will first explain the benefits of using a chatbot for your podcast. Then, we will guide you through the process of preparing your podcast feed for indexing the content for the chatbot.

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👉More info: https://customgpt.ai/podcasts/

✅Read the Blog Post: How To Build A ChatGPT-4 Chatbot With YouTube Videos: 👉https://customgpt.ai/chatgpt-youtube/

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OCR feature, GPT account, premium plan, step-by-step guide, OCR technology, activate OCR, OCR activation, OCR functionality, scan documents, upload images, enable OCR, submit files, process data, data processing, document scanning, image recognition, text extraction, data conversion, premium plan features, technology tutorials

How to Activate the OCR Feature: Step-by-Step Guide | CustomGPT

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